Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Sketch ~ 10-8-11

Happy Saturday!!

Here's today's sketch and some lovely LOs to go with it!

First, the sketch!

And here is Julie's awesome Layout.  Love how she switched things up a bit!

And here is mine!  I went by the book so to speak..

We here at What's Scrapping would LOVE to see what you create with this sketch!
Link us up in the comment section and we'll pop by to see things!!

Have a great day!


  1. Pretty page Amy! The sketch is fairly simple but effective!

  2. great sketch and layouts :)
    xo Felicitas

  3. I think both of the layouts are lovely. You both did an amazing job!

  4. Great takes on the sketch! Wonderful job :)

  5. When you have a great sketch, you don't need to stray far! You did beautiful work here.

  6. Great job on all your new creations. Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a merry christmas.I'm your newest follower:)

  7. Great layouts! Love the sketch, I'll seriously have to get into using them myself.
